Grounding in 2021


Happy New Year, friends. 

New year, new beginnings as they say, however it looks some of the old year is still coming along for the ride. 

Yesterday was a crazy day. I’m feeling a bit of an anxiety hangover from last night. If you are too, I’ve created a video for you. 

You can watch that here.

Here’s what I know to be true... 

We are living in the feeling of our thoughts created in the moment. This is Truth with a capital T.

Our feelings act like a mirror that shows us what we are thinking. If we don’t like the way we are feeling, it’s a signal to examine what we are thinking. 

Where we get tricked is we believe our feelings are caused by outside circumstances---COVID, angry mobs, whatever is going on at the moment. But they aren’t. They come from within us. From our thoughts. Always.

This is actually good news. Knowing this gives us power. If you examine your thoughts and you don’t like what you’re thinking, you can work on changing that thought, by replacing it with one that serves you. 

Or maybe your thought is entirely appropriate for what is going on in the moment and all you can do is recognize that in this moment you are caught in a thought storm, and like clouds, this too shall pass.  

In my case, the anxiety I felt last night as a result of my thinking wasn’t something that I necessarily want to change. After examining, I don’t think it’s appropriate to feel happy about the chaos that is going on in the world. But the shift in thinking I choose to make is to continue to focus my thoughts on my present moment, and right here, right now, I’m sitting here in my room, typing on the computer, and I’m ok.

I’m ok.

That’s my practice for this year. Feel the feeling and become the observer. Watch the thought storms go by while leaning into the present moment.

Wishing you peace in 2021. 

Forest Love, 


You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level. -Eckhart Tolle


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